Silke Schäfer
Universität Tübingen
Lehrstuhl fⁿr Allgemeine Genetik
Auf der Morgenstelle 28
72076 Tübingen
Fax. 07071 / 29 50 42
Tel.: 07071 / 29 77 388
Subject of my Ph.D. thesis:
Regulation of plant gene expression by cytokinins.
Cytokinins are multifunctional phytohormones, which play a role in many biological processes such as cell division, lateral bud formation, chloroplast development and senescence. However, their molecular mode of action is not yet understood. We are interested in the fast induction or repression of transcipts in response to cytokinin treatment. To isolate differentially expressed genes we are using the RDA method (Hubank and Schatz, 1994). The products of these genes might represent a piece in the still unknown signal transduction pathway of cytokinins.